David Shook
Raised in Mexico City, poet, translator, and filmmaker David Shook studied endangered languages in Oklahoma and poetry at Oxford University before settling in Los Angeles, where he edits molossus and Phoneme Media.
Raised in Mexico City, poet, translator, and filmmaker David Shook studied endangered languages in Oklahoma and poetry at Oxford University before settling in Los Angeles, where he edits molossus and Phoneme Media.
By Víctor Terán
Trilingual Edition
Translated from the Zapotec and Spanish by David Shook
The Spines of Love collects work from Víctor Terán’s poetic oeuvre for the first time in a trilingual edition: in their original Isthmus Zapotec (an endangered indigenous Mexican language) and in David Shook’s Spanish and English translations.
"The enormous stone that I am,
no one can move it.
But something happens to it,
just one of your glances
and it trembles undone."
eBook • ISBN: 9781632060006
Publication date: Mar 8, 2015
eBook available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo