"Don Quixote" T-Shirt

Don Quixote T-shirt - Windmill Giant.JPG
Don Quixote T-shirt - Lion.JPG
Don Quixote T-shirt - The Sea.JPG
Don Quixote T-shirt - Windmill Giant.JPG
Don Quixote T-shirt - Lion.JPG
Don Quixote T-shirt - The Sea.JPG

"Don Quixote" T-Shirt


A black, one-hundred-percent cotton T-shirt sporting your choice of three striking illustrations of the man of La Mancha by the artist Eko. 

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This T-shirt, available only from Restless Books, features an etching of your choice by renowned artist Eko depicting scenes from Don Quixote. Choose for your T-shirt one of three illustrations—Windmills, Lion, and The Sea.

About the Artist

Born in Mexico in 1958, Eko is a cartoonist, engraver, and painter. His wood etchings, often erotic in nature and the focus of controversial discussion, are part of a broader tradition in Mexican folk art popularized by José Guadalupe Posada. He has collaborated on projects for The New York Times, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and the Spanish daily El País, in addition to having published numerous books in Mexico and Spain.

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