Robert Croll
Robert Croll is a writer, translator, musician, and artist originally from Asheville, North Carolina. He first came to translation during his undergraduate studies at Amherst College, where he focused particularly on the short fiction of Julio Cortázar and contemporary Latin American literature. He has worked on texts by such authors as Ricardo Piglia, Hebe Uhart, Julio Cortázar, Gustavo Roldán, Javier Sinay, and Juan Carlos Onetti.
Edited by Ilan Stavans
In this rich, eye-opening, and uplifting anthology, dozens of esteemed writers, poets, artists, and translators from more than thirty countries send literary dispatches from life during the pandemic. A portion of proceeds benefit booksellers in need.
World Literature Today’s 75 Notable Translation of 2020
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632063021
Publication date: Aug 25, 2020
By Ricardo Piglia
Introduction by Ilan Stavans
Translated from the Spanish by Robert Croll
Work published within the framework of "Sur" Translation Support Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic
Obra editada en el marco del Programa "Sur" de Apoyo a las Traducciones del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de la República Argentina
“Cognizant of his impending death, Piglia, the Argentine titan of letters who died of A.L.S. in January, prepared his 327 notebooks for publication in a trilogy…. Splendidly crafted and interspliced with essays and stories, this beguiling work is to a diary as Piglia is to “Emilio Renzi”: a lifelong alter ego, a highly self-conscious shadow volume that brings to bear all of Piglia’s prowess as it illuminates his process of critical reading and the inevitable tensions between art and life.”
—The New York Times Book Review, Editors' Choice
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632061621
Publication date: Nov 14, 2017
by Ricardo Piglia
Translated from the Spanish by Robert Croll
The second installment of Argentine literary giant Ricardo Piglia’s acclaimed bibliophilic trilogy follows his alter ego, Emilio Renzi, as his literary career begins to take off in the tumultuous years 1968-1975—running a magazine, working as a publisher, and encountering the literary stars among whom he would soon take his place: Borges, Puig, Roa Bastos, Piñera.
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632061980
Publication date: Nov 20, 2018
By Ricardo Piglia
Translated from the Spanish by Robert Croll
Sixty years in the making and the capstone of a monumental literary career, The Diaries of Emilio Renzi: A Day in the Life is the final volume of the autobiographical trilogy from the author who is considered Borges’ heir and the vanguard of the Post-Boom generation of Latin American literature.
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632060471
Publication date: Oct 13, 2020
By Ricardo Piglia
Translated from the Spanish by Robert Croll
Emilio Renzi, literary alter ego of legendary Argentine author Ricardo Piglia, returns in The Way Out, an academic thriller that relentlessly questions the lengths we go to hide our own truths and to uncover the secrets of others.
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632062208
Publication date: Aug 18, 2020
The complete trilogy of autofictional diaries from Latin American giant Ricardo Piglia, sixty years in the making and hailed as “the culmination of one of the greatest works of Argentine literature” (Samantha Schweblin, author of Fever Dream).
By Javier Sinay
Translated from the Spanish by Robert Croll
Award-winning journalist Javier Sinay investigates a series of murders from the nineteenth century, unearthing the complex history and legacy of Moisés Ville, the “Jerusalem of South America,” and his personal connection to a defining period of Jewish history in Argentina.
Hardcover ISBN: 9781632062987
Publication date: Mar 29, 2022