Explore the creative world of Who Left the Light On?


We are thrilled to share some of the captivating illustrations from the first picture book in our Yonder imprint, Who Left the Light On? by Richard Marnier and illustrated by Aude Maurel. Who Left the Light On? is a visually stunning celebration of diversity in a community where creativity is given a free rein and acceptance is the order of the day.

This delightful picture book is about a uniform, monotonous village where all the neighbors follow the same rules of how their homes should look and when it’s okay to turn on the lights—until one day someone decides to turn on the lights at the “wrong” time. This one small act of independence soon shocks others into diverging from the norm and experimenting with their own ideas about design and decor. As the village explodes into color and the neighbors learn to artistically express to their cultural and artistic differences, Marnier’s world will light a spark of empathy and acceptance in young readers.

Artist Aude Maurel’s angular, unvaried images eventually burst into a lively abundance of bamboo huts, shoe-shaped barns, and glitzy palaces—all of which coexist in a state of good-natured neighborly cheer and are sure to enthrall kids and adults alike.

We are especially grateful for the generous support of Katharyn Dawson who sponsored the publication of Who Left the Light On? in honor of her mother’s ninety-fifth birthday. To learn more about sponsoring a Restless book, click here.


THE END by Fernanda Torres wins Jabuti Award for Brazilian Book Published Abroad

The End, by Fernanda Torres - 9781632061218.jpg

We are thrilled to announce that The End by Fernanda Torres has won the prestigious Jabuti Award, Brazil’s biggest literary prize! The End received the Jabuti Award for Brazilian Book Published Abroad, a new category that recognizes excellence in the translation and promotion of Brazilian literature internationally. A huge hit in Brazil, selling more than 150,000 copies, The End centers on five friends in Rio de Janeiro who, nearing the end of their lives, are left with memories—of parties, marriages, divorces, fixations, inhibitions, bad decisions—and the physical indignities of aging. Alison Entrekin’s translation masterfully captures Torres’ “agile hand at establishing voice, pacing, and tone”(Foreword Reviews), and The End was included among the Best Covers of 2017 by The New York Times Book Review. This debut novel continues to impress and draw readers with its timely insight and tragically humorous exploration of friendship, aging, and death.

The End, a riotous, sex-stuffed novel by Torres, which takes Technicolor pleasure in detailing the deaths of five incorrigible old beach bums of the Bossa Nova generation…. Her five men, whom she kills off in reverse chronology, are ‘united by male allegiance, women, and the beach, in that order’.... With America undergoing a mass reckoning with male sexuality, a novel like this feels both taboo and gleeful, a guilty kind of reprieve.”
Hermione Hoby, The New Yorker

We’re excited to publish Fernanda Torres’ next novel in Summer 2019, Glory and its Litany of Horrors. Torres turns her acerbic wit and sharp psychological scrutiny to the world of acting in this wise and funny send-up of a generation that witnessed their ideas of art fall into the hands of the market, and their ideas of the future proven to be illusory as theater.

“An electrifying blend of comedy of errors with the old and not always good life, “Glory and its Litany of Horrors” is a corrosive panel of a generation that saw its idea of art succumbing to the market, to the superficiality of the hyperconnected world and to the collapse of their illusions. All of this with generous doses of sharp and bitter humor.”
—Blog da Companhia das Letras